Annual Report 2024

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Corporate Governance and the Corporate Governance Statement

Good corporate governance as a key factor for long-term business success

Close and continuous dialog between Managing Board and Supervisory Board

Managing Board and Supervisory Board issue declaration of compliance

The Managing Board and the Supervisory Board are convinced that good corporate governance is a key factor for long-term business success. Good corporate governance is therefore an integral part of HUGO BOSS and a guiding principle encompassing all areas of the Company. The Managing Board and Supervisory Board are committed to ensuring the Company’s continuation as a going concern as well as sustainable value creation through responsible, transparent, and long-term corporate governance. At the same time, HUGO BOSS aims to live up to and further strengthen the trust placed in the Company by its employees, shareholders, business partners, and the public.

In fiscal year 2024, the Managing Board and Supervisory Board dealt in detail with compliance with the requirements of the German Corporate Governance Code (GCGC) and, as a result, issued the Declaration of Compliance dated December 2024. It is included at the end of this chapter and, like previous declarations of compliance, published on the corporate website. Apart from the exceptions mentioned therein, HUGO BOSS complies with the recommendations of GCGC as amended on April 28, 2022, published in the “Bundesanzeiger” [German Federal Gazette] on June 27, 2022.

The Corporate Governance Statement (pursuant to Sec. 289f and Sec. 315d HGB [“Handelsgesetzbuch”: German Commercial Code]) contains, among other things, the declaration of compliance, disclosures on corporate governance practices, and a description of the working methods of the Managing Board and the Supervisory Board. It is also available at